Manual Testing Fresher Interview Questions Part-1


1. What is Manual Testing?

Ans:Manual Testing is a testing process that is carried out manually in order to find defects without the usage of test tools or automation scripting.

2. What is the Software Development Life cycle (SDLC)?

Ans:Software Development Life Cycle is a systematic approach to develop software. It is a Process followed by Software Developers, and Software Testing is an integral part of it.

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) has different phases to develop a software in a systematic way, they are:

1. Requirement Gathering

2. Analysis

3. Design

4. Coding / Development

5. Testing

6. Deployment & Maintenance

SDLC models:

1. Waterfall model

2. V model

3. Prototype model

4. Spiral model

5. Agile model

3. What are the different levels of Software Testing?

Ans:In software testing, we have four different levels of testing,

1. Unit Testing

2. Integration Testing

3. System Testing

4. Acceptance Testing

4. What is Software Testing Life Cycle?

Ans:Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is a sequence of specific activities conducted during the testing process to ensure software quality goals are met. STLC involves both verification and validation activities.

Software Testing Life Cycle has different phases:

1. Requirement Analysis

2. Test Planning

3. Test case development

4. Test Environment setup

5. Test Execution

6. Test Cycle closure

5. What is a traceability matrix? Why is it important?

Ans: Traceability matrix is the link between a client requirement or use case and the test case. 

While writing a test case, a tester should ensure there is at least 1 test case for every use case of 

functional requirement. This mapping between the requirements and test cases is called 


The traceability matrix helps to ensure that each requirement in the functional document is 

considered for testing, thus avoiding any misses

6. What is a test plan?

Ans: A test plan is a document that enlists all the aspects of the testing project. Some of the 

main headers under a test plan are:

1. In scope and out of scope features.

2. The hardware, software, and resource requirements

3. Entry and exit criteria

4. Test strategy

5. Test deliverables

6. Risks and contingencies

7. Roles and responsibilities

8. Escalation mechanism

7. What are the different stages in a defect life cycle?

Ans: The different stages in a defect life cycle are:

1. New

2. Assigned

3. Fixed

4. Moved to QA / Ready to test

5. Retested 

6. Closed

7. Reopen

8. Duplicate

9. Redundant

10.Moved to next iteration/Deferred

8. What is a latent defect?

Ans: There are some defects in the system that may not cause failures or impact the customer 

usage of the application because the preconditions for these defects are rarely met. Such defects 

that are silently present in the system are known as latent defects.

9.What are stubs and drivers?

Ans: Stubs and drivers are used in incremental testing. Testing follows either a top-down or a 

bottom-up approach. In the top-down approach, a stub is used to help in the testing of other 

modules. Similarly, a driver is used in the bottom-up approach for facilitating the testing. 

10.What would you do if you find a defect?

Ans: Here is what you should do once you find a defect.

1. Recreate the defect to make sure it is consistent

2. Try to recreate the defect in a different device, browser, or OS to make sure if it occurring 

everywhere or is specific to any particular device, browser, or OS.

3. Take the screenshot of the error

4. Capture the required logs as applicable

5. Log the details in the bug tracking tool used by the team

11. What is fuzz testing?

Ans: Fuzz testing is commonly used in security testing to find vulnerabilities and coding errors 

in the system. In fuzz testing, data is added to the system to make it crash. Sometimes, a fuzz 

tester is also used to find the causes of the vulnerability as well. It is mostly done in big projects 

and may not prove cost-effective for smaller projects.

12.What is a code walk-through?

Ans: A code walkthrough is an informal analysis of any code to check if the log

13.What is cross-browser testing?

Ans: Cross-browser testing refers to testing a web application on different browsers like 

Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc. to ensure it performs equally well in each. 

14.What is responsive testing?

Ans: Responsive testing involves testing a website or mobile app on devices of different screen 

sizes to ensure it renders properly in each device. This testing also helps to eliminate any 

alignment issues during the rendering.

15.What is black box testing?

Ans: A type of testing where the tester understands and has access only to the input and output 

of a system through a graphics interface is called black-box testing. Here the tester would not 

know the code or how it is written.

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