Manual Testing Interview Questions Part-3


31.How to deal with not a reproducible bug?

A bug cannot be reproduced for the following reasons:

Low memory.

Addressing to non-available memory location.

Things happening in a particular sequence.

A tester can do the following things to deal with not a reproducible bug:

Includes steps that are close to the error statement.

Evaluate the test environment.

Examine and evaluate test execution results.

Resources & Time Constraints must be kept in point.

32.What is the role of QA in project development?

The role of Quality Assurance is discussed below:

- QA team is responsible for monitoring the process to be carried out for development.

- Responsibilities of QA team are planning the testing execution process.

- QA Lead creates the time tables and agrees on a Quality Assurance Plan for the product.

- QA team communicated the QA process to the team members.

- QA team ensures the traceability of test cases to requirements.

33.What is the difference between Front End Testing and Back End testing?

The differences between front and back end testing are:

- Front End Testing is performed on the Graphical User Interface (GUI). whereas Back End Testing involves database testing.

- Front end consist of web site look where user can interact whereas in case of back end it is the database which is required to store the data.

- When the ender user enters data in GUI of the front end application, then this entered data is stored in the database. To save this data into the database we write SQL queries.

34.What is Storage Testing?

In Storage Testing, we test those functionalities of the application which is responsible for storing the data into the database. The data entered by the end-user in the GUI or front end is the same data that is stored in the database. The storage testing determines that the data taken from the front end of the application is stored incorrect place and the incorrect manner in the database.

35.What is Test Harness?

A test harness is a collection of software and test data required to test the application by running it in different testing conditions like stress, load, data-driven, and monitoring its behavior and outputs. Test Harness contains two main parts:

Test execution engine

Test script repository

36.What are the categories of defects?

There are three main categories of defects:

Wrong : The requirements are implemented incorrectly in the application.

Missing : When the requirement given by the customer and application is unable to meet those application.

Extra : A requirement incorporated into the product that was not given by the end customer. This is always a variance from the specification, but maybe an attribute desired by the user of the product.

37.What is Bug Leakage?

A bug that is actually missed by the testing team while testing and the build was released to the Production. If now that bug (which was missed by the testing team) was found by the end-user or customer then we call it Bug Leakage.

38.What is Bug Release?

Releasing the software to the Production with the known bugs then we call it as Bug Release. These known bugs should be included in the release note.

39.What are test deliverables?

Test deliverables, also known as test artefacts, are any by-products generated while conducting tests, such as documents, tools and equipment. These are shared with stakeholders and team members across the entire SDLC.

40.What should be included in a bug report?

A bug report contains a record of the Tester’s observations that may be helpful to Developers or management. A bug report should include a title, description of the bug, the product version, status of the bug, steps to reproduce the bug, who the bug is being assigned to and its resolution.

41.What is cross-browser testing?

Cross-browser testing is part of the quality assurance process and ensures that a web-based app functions properly across different browsers and devices, such as Google Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer.

42.What Is Baseline Testing?

Baseline testing is the process of running a set of tests to capture performance information. Baseline testing use the information collected to made the changes in the application to improve performance and capabilities of the application. Baseline compares present performance of application with its own previous performance.

43.What Is Benchmark Testing?

Benchmarking testing is the process of comparing application performance with respect to industry standard which is given by some other organization. Benchmark informs us where our application stands with respect to others. Benchmark compares our application performance with other company’s application’s performance

44.What If The Software Is So Buggy It Can't Really Be Tested At All?

In this situation is for the testers to go through the process of reporting of bugs with the focus being on critical bugs. Since this type of problem can severely affect schedules, and indicates deeper problems in the software development process project managers should be notified, and provided with some documentation.

45.What is meant by Test Data?

Test data in software testing is the information or input used to test software. It helps to determine whether the outcome equals the intended result. If the testing data is poorly designed, it may not be easy to test all the test scenarios, hindering the software's quality.

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