HCL Testing Interview Questions

HLC Testing Interview Questions

 HCL Interview Questions

1. Tell about yourself.

2. Which Java and Selenium versions you are using?

3. What advantage you got by using jdk1.8 compared to older version?

4. Have you worked on hibernet, spring?

5. What OOPs concepts you've used in project and how?

6. What is interface?

7. How will you upload a file using Class?

8. How will handle alert?

9. If you have two delete buttons which gives two alerts and both alerts have same text except one word which is different and you want to accept one alert and dismiss other and case of that one word can also change then how will you handle this?

10. What do you know about Cucumber?

11. How will you find element at column 1 and row1 of a table?

12. Which plung-ins you have used in project?

13. Have you faced any issue like your test cases are working fine in local but getting failed in Jenkins?

14. How to automate keyboard keys?

15. Have you used List, Set and Map? And where and give syntax.

16. If you have to handle more than one exception using try catch e.g. FileNotFoundException and IOException then which exception sequence you will follow and why? And if exception is not getting handled using both then what should you do?

17. If I write 2 catch blocks, in first catch I am using Exception class object to handle exception and in second catch block, I am writing IOException then what will happen?

18. What is your approach to start testing using soap ui your asked to test an api

19. consider you are only qa ,tell the different types of testing you will perform on search functionality of an shopping site and what basis you will sign off

20. what are different types of locators

21. in what order you will use css,xpath ,Id and why

22. how wil you identify a webtable and what is order in which u will trace


1. Tell something about yourself

2. Abstract class and interface

3. Static keyword in Java

4. String builder in Java

5. How we do multiple window handling in selenium

6. What is scenario outline cucumber

7. What is cross browser testing

8. Api testing framework explain

9. What's jmeter framework

10. Tell some testng annotations


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