LTI Testing Interview Questions
Diff bet Method overloading and overriding
Can we override static method ?
In how many ways we can declare string ?
Diff bet Abstract class and interface
How do u handle Exception in your project ?
Are you aware of finally block ?
Can we have multiple finally block ?
can we have try and Finally block No Catch block ?
If No Exception happen will finally block will executed ?
What are access modifiers in java ?
If we change order of Public static void as static public void will it throw any error ?
What is Final keyword in java ?
How can we call a parent class constructor ?
What is "this" keyword in java ?
Diff bet List and set ?
Code re-usability.
Code Comments.
Optimized code.
Optimized error handling.
Synchronization techniques used.
Locator techniques used.
Dynamic locators.
Degree of hard coding.
Java programming
1. Java Program to generate Random Number
2. Write a Java program to iterate HashMap using While and advance for loop.
3. Java Program to reverse words in a String.
4. Java Program to reverse an array
5. Java Program to display Fibonacci series using loops